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Call me back!

Call me back!

This service allows you to quickly and easily send a request with a request to call back the subscriber of any mobile operator in Uzbekistan.

To send a request, type the following commands:

* 110*subscriber number in MN# format (for subscribers of mobile operators in Uzbekistan)

After that, the recipient will receive an SMS message from the subscriber's number with the text: "Abonent +998XXXXXXXX prosit Vas perezvonit" (subscriber +998XXXXXXXX asks you to call back).

In response to the sent USSD request, the subscriber can receive the following messages:

"Soobshenie na nomer +998xxxxxxxx – otpravleno" (a message to the number +998XXXXXXXX sent)

«Ukazhite nomer abonenta v mejdunarodnom formate» (Enter the subscriber number in international format)

Service requests can be sent not only within the network, but also to subscribers of all mobile operators in Uzbekistan – 50 UZS for 1 request.

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